The future tag! Children’s Museum of Saint Augustine

Coming Winter 2024

tag! site

Our convenient location, behind Target, offers visiting families a unique opportunity for shared experiences at a destination designed for children but equally enjoyed by the whole family

Children learn through play.  Learning is an active process – a personal adventure.  It can be messy, noisy, or even chaotic.  Or it can be quiet and contemplative.  tag! Children’s Museum will provide a safe play-based learning experience where children can explore open-ended exhibits and experiences. Visit our workshop schedule to sign up for the next Adventure.

tag! Children’s Museum will feature indoor exhibit and community space as well as a make shop.  Outdoor exhibit space provides a safe place for kids to explore and take risks while learning about Florida’s history and ecosystems.  Florida has more than 80 different ecosystems.

The Museum is creating a playful and interactive learning experience that is accessible for kids of any ability.  Our convenient location means that visiting families will have a unique opportunity for shared experiences at a tourist destination designed for children but equally enjoyed by the whole family!

The tag! Campaign will build a Children’s Museum in St. Augustine, providing the first cultural institution built in the region in nearly twenty years:  a welcoming and nurturing learning environment in St. Johns County and Northeast Florida, developed for all children and families in the area.  Please contact Kim MacEwan at 904-647-1757

Ways to Give

The Annual Fund support directly impacts the tag! Children’s Museum daily operations ensuring that our high-quality STEAM workshops and hands-on learning programs continue to serve the community. The Fund also helps us operationally to develop, design and construct exhibits, galleries and outdoor experiences for the future tag! Children’s Museum so that more children and families in Northeast Florida can experience impactful play. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the tag! Annual Fund today.